Thin Pancake Recipe

If you’re keen to get into cooking but feel a bit overwhelmed, starting with thin pancakes is a smart move.

They’re simple, require just a few basic ingredients, and the process is pretty straightforward.

I’m here to guide you through each step, making sure you get the hang of it without any fuss.

We’ll go over what you need, how to mix everything just right, and the tricks to cooking them so they turn out perfect every time.

Whether it’s breakfast, a snack, or dessert, these pancakes are versatile and can be dressed up or down with your favorite toppings.

Understanding Thin Pancakes

Thin pancakes, often likened to French crêpes, are a lighter, more delicate version of their fluffy American counterparts.

They offer a perfect balance of simplicity and elegance, making them a versatile base for a variety of toppings and fillings.

Ingredients: What You’ll Need

Before we dive into the cooking process, let’s ensure you have all the necessary ingredients.

This recipe is designed to serve about 4 people, making roughly 8-10 pancakes, depending on the size of your pan.

  • Flour: 250ml (1 cup) of all-purpose flour is the backbone of your pancake batter, providing structure.
  • Milk: 500ml (2 cups) of milk will give your pancakes their signature tenderness.
  • Eggs: 2 large eggs will act as binders, enriching your pancakes with a delicate texture.
  • Salt: A pinch of salt is essential to enhance the flavours of your ingredients.
  • Butter: About 30ml (2 tablespoons) of melted butter, plus a little extra for cooking, will add richness to your pancakes.
  • Water: A splash of water can be added to thin the batter if necessary.

Optional for Serving:

  • Sugar and Cinnamon: A classic South African way to enjoy these pancakes is with a sprinkle of sugar and cinnamon.
  • Lemon Juice: A squeeze of fresh lemon juice adds a refreshing zest.
  • Syrups or Sauces: Maple syrup, chocolate sauce, or caramel for a sweet treat.
  • Fresh Fruit: Sliced berries, banana, or any fruit of your choice for a fresh touch.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Thin Pancakes

Step 1: Prepare Your Batter

  1. Sift the Flour: Start by sifting the flour into a large mixing bowl. This prevents lumps and ensures a smooth batter.
  2. Add Salt: Incorporate a pinch of salt into the flour.
  3. Mix Wet Ingredients: In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs, milk, and melted butter until well combined.
  4. Combine: Gradually pour the wet mixture into the dry ingredients, whisking continuously to prevent lumps.
  5. Rest the Batter: Allow the batter to rest for about 20-30 minutes. This step is crucial as it gives the flour time to absorb the liquid, resulting in a more cohesive batter.

Step 2: Cooking Your Pancakes

  1. Heat Your Pan: Place a non-stick frying pan over medium heat and add a small knob of butter.
  2. Test the Pan: To test if the pan is ready, sprinkle a few drops of water onto it. If they dance and evaporate, your pan is hot enough.
  3. Pour the Batter: Use a ladle to pour a thin layer of batter into the center of the pan, swirling it around to spread evenly.
  4. Cook the Pancake: Cook for about 1-2 minutes until the edges start to lift and the underside is golden brown.
  5. Flip: Carefully flip the pancake using a spatula and cook the other side for another minute.
  6. Serve Warm: Transfer the cooked pancake to a plate and cover with a clean tea towel to keep warm. Repeat with the remaining batter.

Step 3: Serving Your Pancakes

  • Classic Sugar and Cinnamon: Sprinkle a mix of sugar and cinnamon over each pancake, roll them up, and serve with a wedge of lemon.
  • Sweet Toppings: Drizzle your choice of syrup or sauce and add a dollop of whipped cream or ice cream for an indulgent treat.
  • Fresh Fruit: Top with fresh slices of fruit and a sprinkle of powdered sugar for a refreshing option.

Tips for Perfect Pancakes Every Time

  • Batter Consistency: Your batter should be thin enough to spread easily in the pan but not so liquid that it lacks structure. Adjust with a little more flour or milk if necessary.
  • Pan Temperature: Finding the right heat level is key. Too hot, and your pancakes will burn; too cool, and they won’t cook properly. Aim for a medium heat and adjust as needed.
  • Flipping Technique: Be patient and wait until the pancake is ready to flip. It should move easily in the pan when given a gentle shake.


Making thin pancakes is an art that anyone can master with a bit of practice and patience.

I hope this guide has equiped you with the knowledge and confidence to create delicious, paper-thin pancakes that you can enjoy in countless ways.

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