Focaccia Bread Recipe

Focaccia is an Italian flatbread that’s beloved around the world for its chewy texture, olive oil-infused flavor, and versatility.

Whether you’re a seasoned baker or new to the world of yeasted breads, this guide will take you through the process of making focaccia bread step by step, ensuring your success.

We’ll use ingredients and measurements suited for the South African kitchen, and this recipe will serve approximately 8 people, making it perfect for gatherings or family meals.


Before we dive into the process, let’s ensure you have everything you need.

Here’s what you’ll need to make your focaccia:

  • Flour: 500g of white bread flour is ideal for the structure and texture of focaccia.
  • Water: 350ml of lukewarm water activates the yeast and hydrates the flour.
  • Yeast: 7g of instant yeast makes the bread rise and become fluffy.
  • Salt: 10g of fine salt enhances flavor and controls yeast activity.
  • Olive Oil: 60ml for the dough and 20ml for drizzling, adding a rich, fruity flavor.
  • Sugar: A pinch to help the yeast activate.
  • Toppings: Rosemary, coarse salt, cherry tomatoes, olives, or any other topping you prefer.


  • Large mixing bowl
  • Wooden spoon or dough whisk
  • Baking tray
  • Baking paper
  • Kitchen towel
  • Measuring cups and spoons


Preparing the Dough

Mix Dry Ingredients: In your large mixing bowl, combine the flour, instant yeast, and fine salt.

Mix these dry ingredients thoroughly to ensure even distribution.

Add Water and Oil: Gradually pour in the lukewarm water and 60ml of olive oil while mixing.

Use your wooden spoon or dough whisk to bring everything together into a rough dough.

Knead the Dough: Transfer the dough onto a clean surface and knead for about 10 minutes.

You’re aiming for a smooth, elastic dough that’s slightly tacky to the touch.

First Rise: Place the dough back in the bowl, cover with a kitchen towel, and let it rise in a warm place.

It should double in size, which usually takes about 1-2 hours depending on the temperature.

Shaping and Second Rise

Prepare Baking Tray: Line your baking tray with baking paper and drizzle a little olive oil over it.

Shape the Dough: Once the dough has doubled, gently transfer it to the prepared tray.

Stretch it out to fill the tray, being careful not to deflate it too much.

Create Dimples: Using your fingertips, press down into the dough to create dimples.

This is characteristic of focaccia and helps hold your toppings.

Second Rise: Cover the dough lightly with a kitchen towel and let it rise again for about 30 minutes.

It should become puffy.

Adding Toppings and Baking

Preheat Oven: While the dough is having its second rise, preheat your oven to 220°C.

Add Toppings: Drizzle the remaining 20ml of olive oil over the risen dough.

Sprinkle with coarse salt and your chosen toppings like rosemary, halved cherry tomatoes, or olives.

Bake: Place the tray in the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and the bread sounds hollow when tapped.

Cool and Serve: Allow the focaccia to cool slightly before cutting into pieces. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Tips for Success

  • Water Temperature: Ensure your water is lukewarm, not hot, to avoid killing the yeast.
  • Kneading: If the dough is too sticky, add a little more flour, but be cautious not to add too much, as this can make the bread dense.
  • Rising Time: Be patient with the rises. If your kitchen is cool, it might take longer for the dough to double in size.
  • Toppings: Feel free to get creative with toppings, but remember that too many can weigh down the dough.

Focaccia is incredibly versatile and can be served as part of a meal, as a snack, or used for sandwiches.

Pair it with soups, salads, or enjoy it as is to savor the rich flavors of olive oil and your chosen toppings.

This focaccia bread recipe is designed to be simple and approachable for bakers of all levels.

Happy baking!

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