Pita Bread Recipe

You might think making your own bread is tough, but pita is actually a great place to start.

In this guide, I’ll walk you through every step in plain language, breaking it all down so it’s super easy to follow.

We’ll go over what ingredients you need, how to mix and knead your dough, and the secret to getting those pitas to puff up perfectly in the oven.

In the end if the guide, you’ll not only have fresh, warm pita bread to enjoy but also a solid foundation in basic baking skills.

Trust me, if I can do it, so can you.

Let’s get cooking and turn you into a confident baker starting with this simple pita bread recipe.


To serve 4-6 people, you’ll need the following ingredients.

Make sure to measure them accurately for the best results:

  • 500g of cake flour: Cake flour is preferred for its fine texture, which contributes to a softer pita.
  • 10g salt: This enhances the flavour.
  • 10g instant yeast: Instant yeast doesn’t need to be activated in water, making it more convenient.
  • 30ml olive oil: Olive oil adds moisture and richness to the dough.
  • 300ml lukewarm water: The warmth helps to activate the yeast.


Before you start, ensure you have the following equipment on hand:

  • Large mixing bowl
  • Measuring spoons and cups
  • Kitchen scale (for accurate ingredient measurement)
  • Dough scraper (optional but helpful)
  • Rolling pin
  • Baking sheet
  • Oven

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Preparing the Dough:

Mix Dry Ingredients:

In your large mixing bowl, combine the cake flour, salt, and instant yeast.

Give these dry ingredients a good whisk to ensure they’re well mixed.

Add Wet Ingredients:

Make a well in the centre of your dry ingredients.

Pour the olive oil and gradually add the lukewarm water into the well.

Form the Dough:

Start mixing with a spoon until the dough begins to come together.

Then, use your hands to knead the dough in the bowl until it forms a rough ball.

Kneading the Dough:

Knead on a Surface:

  • Lightly flour a clean work surface.
  • Transfer the dough from the bowl and start kneading.
  • This should take about 10 minutes.
  • You’re aiming for a smooth, elastic dough.

First Rise:

  • Place the kneaded dough back into the bowl.
  • Cover it with a damp cloth and set it aside in a warm spot for about 1 hour, or until it doubles in size.

Shaping and Baking:

Preheat Your Oven:

Preheat your oven to 230°C. If you have a baking stone, place it in the oven.

Otherwise, a baking sheet will work fine.

Divide the Dough:

Once the dough has risen, knock it back down gently, then divide it into 8-10 equal pieces.

Shape the Pitas:

Roll each piece into a ball, then flatten it with a rolling pin into circles about 5mm thick.


Place the rolled-out pitas onto the preheated baking sheet.

Bake in the oven for 4-5 minutes or until they puff up and are lightly golden.

Serving Suggestions:


Let the pitas cool on a wire rack before serving to prevent them from becoming soggy.


Pita bread is best enjoyed fresh. Serve it with your favourite dips like hummus, tzatziki, or baba ganoush.

Tips for Success:

  • Yeast Activation: Ensure your water is lukewarm, not hot, to activate the yeast without killing it.
  • Dough Consistency: The dough should be soft and slightly tacky but not overly sticky. Adjust with a bit of flour or water if necessary.
  • Rolling: Roll the dough evenly to ensure uniform baking and puffing.
  • Oven Temperature: Make sure your oven is properly preheated to get that characteristic puff.

Congratulations on following these steps and becoming more proficient in the kitchen!

Making pita bread from scratch is not only rewarding but also a wonderful skill to add to your culinary repertoire.

Enjoy the fruits of your labor with friends and family, and remember, each time you make this recipe, you’ll get better and more confident in your baking abilities.

Happy cooking!

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